November Client Spotlight

I thought it would be fun to pick a client every month that really showcases what Iron Science is about- pushing beyond limits, being part of the community we’ve built, and being an inspiration. Who better to start this off than Marlene!

Marlene has been a client for 3+ years and always come in ready to work hard. She has made so much progress since we started together and I truly think that is because Marlene is someone that never gives up. Even when she is faced with a challenge, she always rises up to it and is constantly growing both mentally and physically. Marlene is also extremely kind and is welcoming to anyone else she meets at the gym and no matter what, always takes the time after her workouts to wipe down all her equipment.

Despite being faced with many obstacles, she has remained extremely consistent which is reflected in her strength, fitness, and conditioning. If you’d like to know more about Marlene, keep reading for her answers on how she stays motivated and more!

Question: What is your favorite way to stay active?

Marlene: Weight lifting 

Q: Why do you love to train?

M: Training with Katelynn challenges me both mentally and physically. 

Q: What are your current fitness goals?

M: Staying motivated to see where my strength will be in the next 6 months. 

Q: How do you stay motivated?

M: I love the way a good workout feels and so I continue to be present the best I can. 

Q: What would you recommend to someone who is wanting to start living a healthy lifestyle?

M: Start slow, it takes time to reach a goal. Just know that you will be where you want to be when you have patience and your patient with yourself. 

Q: What are your favorite non-exercise things to do?

M: I love to be in my garden trying new things when the new things I’ve planted went wrong. That’s the best thing for me, is when something doesn’t work the first time I have more opportunities to make something else blossom. 


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